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Let Me Count The Ways

 Anniversary #43, and the fourth anniversary I'm celebrating alone. The passing of time does make a difference. The gut wrenching stabs of grief only happen every now and then. I find that I now look at your picture and smile instead of  immediate tears. And I read that someone said instead of saying how long it's been since you've seen someone who has passed, say that amount of time is how much closer you are to seeing them again. You might think the title is about the ways I love you, but it's really about the ways I miss you. I miss the many times you said, "if anything ever happens to me I want you to know I've been happy." I  could never have imagined how thankful I would be for those fourteen words and precious memories they often bring to mind. I miss our many, many road trips between Virginia and Arkansas and then on to Texas or Colorado. Each trip was an adventure leading us to something special, maybe a new baby born into the family, a graduation

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