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The Last Day

 Sunday, December 27, 2020 It's close to midnight, New Years Eve, 2024 as I remember the actual day he took his last natural breath, while looking into my eyes, and slowly closed his own and was gone. His death certificate says December 31, 2020, but I firmly believe his soul was gone and only modern medicine kept him breathing for four more days as we prayed for a miracle. Except for a two week trip to Virginia a few days before Thanksgiving, we'd been settling into our dreamed about second home in Arkansas since June. Three days before that fateful Sunday, we'd celebrated Christmas with all the Arkansas family at our home for the first time since 1989. He'd decorated the outside of our home with lights around the front, and while he was on the roof I said "be careful", and to him I'm sure it sounded as though I warned him a hundred times, due to my fear of heights, not his..  Our original plan was to spend three months in Arkansas and three months in Vir...

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